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Raped Seeds: Farmers vs Government – Sugar Cane

In a world where everything is made, is bought, is consumed, and disregarded with ease, it is easy to get caught up in the loss of consciousness and identity. What does local mean in a globalized context? MA in Fine Arts from Saint Martin’s Art College in London, the colombian artist uses panela, raw sugar cane, as the main ingredient to his masterpieces. Panela is pervasive in these works, both physically and symbolically. From a photograph of riot police and protesters sharing a cup of panela together during the large scale farmer protests of 2014, to a mini soldier figurine moulded into a brick of panela. The prints made of sugarcane ink depicts farmers greeting police with the traditional Colombian drink. Peasants opposed the Colombian government in 2013 for offering no protection to small farmers under Free Trade Agreements or against big agri-businesses. This opposition began as a peaceful but political protest through the universal act of hospitality, sharing of food.

The origin of Hummus is not entirely certain but it is supposed to come from some place in the Arab region. Israel, as a nation, has it as National Dish, which seems to offend many Arabs. For Israelis it is more a main course, unlike for Lebanese, for whom it is a side dish or a starter. The differences lay on the amount of Tahini, the inclusion of ingredients as varied as yoghurt, butter, garlic, and of course, the time of the day when is eaten.
The Israeli made a Guinness Record for the biggest hummus ever served but a year after, in 2010, the Lebanese took it back by making a dish more than double in size which was over 10 tons. Israeli have managed to market the Hummus abroad very well, specially in the US market while Lebanese are attempting to give the Hummus an status of a Geographically Protected product.
Who will succeed? Who would loose? The winners write history and whoever succumbs in battle will be forgotten, dethroned, stripped of its legacy. In there, lays the importance of Hummus as a trophy. A popular tradition that covers a larger territory and by acknowledging it as from one side, the other side would kneel down to the "rightful owners" every time they taste it.
by Simone Mattar & Omar Castaneda
Questioning the audience what is safe to eat in Chernobyl and what is not in current times of food manipulation, the interactive gastroperformance - created  for a series of expositions around the world on the 30th anniversary of the Chernobyl Disaster - proposes a choice to the public, a choice many Ukrainians had to take after the disaster: eat an apple and take the risk of eating a radioactive one. The the chance of biting some of the plastic apples or others  covered in sweet chocolate. Some people have been living there since the disaster and they are perfectly healthy but for others the situation is different; their bodies have been compromised. It is a roulette, a Soviet Roulette.

( Spanish version)
Live version  03/03/17
CAB Museum Burgos, Spain
by Carolina Muñoz, Omar Castañeda
and Hernan Barros

To commemorate the 31th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster, Food of War  organized Clouded Lands, a show which aims to raise awareness on the consequences that such catastrophic event brings in people’s culture and everyday life: outcomes that can still be seen and experienced today in this area of our planet.

Just 70 miles away from the nuclear disaster, the Gomel region is where the Soviet government used artillery shells filled with silver iodide to make rain clouds that would “wash out” radioactive particles which were drifting towards densely populated cities. Witnesses say that that day in 1986 they saw black rain falling from the sky. The nuclear fallout is said to have caused an 80% increase in disabled births here, and to this day huge areas around Gomel remain uninhabitable. To commemorate this tragedy, Carolina and Food of War wrote Black Rain to translate the Gomel catastrophe  into sounds.


by Omar Castañeda & Juan Cabello
FOOD OF WAR travelled to Venezuela to understand and experience the current social and political issues in the country. The collective met and interacted with both, common citizens, and professional analysts like journalists, anthropologists and artists.